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In the middle of dizziness of finishing assignments, there is something slipped through my mind. Something special I guess; the idea of finding the video about Nick Vujicic (a person who was born without hands and legs). Though he is physically challenged, he still loves to live his life, and more accurately, he's satisfied of what he is. I'm thinking of myself.

We like to make excuses. We can't do this because of this, and we can't do that as we afraid of that...
We are always being ungrateful, sighing, complaining this and that. Yet, we rarely think that we are created perfectly (we can do anything that we want, we can think, we can eat, talk, walk etc. etc.).

Therefore, be grateful of what we are. Think of others who have more challenges than we are.

Nick Vujicic:


"Sometimes, in your life when you are falling down and you feel like you don’t have strength to get back up, do you think you have hope? Because I tell you I'm down here, face down and I’ve no arms no legs, it should be impossible for me to get back up. But it's not. You see I will try one hundred  times to get up and if I fell one hundred times, if I fail and I give up, do you think I’m able to get up? No! But, if I fell, I try again and again and again, what I just want you to know this is not the end..."

 "Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?"

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2 comments to “Be Grateful”

  1. "You see I will try one hundred times to get up and if I fell one hundred times, if I fail and I give up, do you think I’m able to get up? No! But, if I fell, I try again and again and again, what I just want you to know this is not the end..."

    Berat sebenarnya bila sudah jatuh utk bangkit semula, lebih-lebih lg dunia sekarang yg hanya memandang kpd kemenangan material semata-mata.
    Nick Vujicic mungkin salah satu manusia yang mempunyai kesedaran yg besar utk menyedarkan semua manusia tentang betapa pentingnya sifat optimisma. 'May God guide him.'

    'Ingatlah Aku nescaya Aku akan mengingatiMu, bersyukurlah kpdKu dan jgnlah kamu kufur...'-Qoran.

  1. Thanks 4 ur brilliant comment, Tiqah ^_^